Sunday, October 2, 2011

Chapter 28: Around the House

Popcorn time!  But we weren't watching The Lone Ranger.  In 1955, at least at the time this photo was taken, the Nelson family didn't own a TV set.  However, we could have been listening to the radio version of the program

The bookcase behind an angelically smiling Larry is one that remained in the family for many years, as did the books, although I'd ventured that few of them were ever read cover to cover.  Mom and Dad must have belonged to a book club for a period of time.

Larry and I appear very excited about the family's latest purchase, a suitcase, which our billowy pajamas leave mostly obscured.  I must be wearing a bathrobe that Mom made.  No offense to her sewing skills  -- which were quite good; she made most of her own and Barb's clothes -- but it doesn't looks like anything sold in stores.

I have no idea what Barb is noshing on.  A zweibeck?  One of Mom's molasses cookies?  Behind Barb is the entry hallway, which looks much narrower than what my 5 year old's brain remembers.

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